South Pasadena

Welcome to South Pasadena

South Pasadena Homes For Sale

Embrace the Charms of an Idyllic Community
Nestled in Southern California, South Pasadena is a charming enclave boasting tree-lined streets, historic homes, and a friendly atmosphere. The area is adorned with picturesque parks like the serene Garfield Park, offering a tranquil setting for residents to unwind and enjoy nature. The neighborhood prides itself on its close-knit community, high-quality schools, and a variety of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for families seeking a peaceful yet vibrant environment.

What to Love

  • Community-Focused Living: Experience a safe and friendly neighborhood that fosters a strong sense of community, making it an ideal setting for families and individuals alike.
  • Charming Attractions: Enjoy leisurely visits to the scenic Garfield Park or explore the lively atmosphere of the South Pasadena Farmer's Market, reflecting the neighborhood's warmth and vibrancy.
  • Golfing Oasis: Golf enthusiasts can indulge in the well-maintained grounds of the Arroyo Seco Golf Course, providing an idyllic setting for a round of golf in a picturesque landscape.
  • Convenient Shopping: Benefit from proximity to retail convenience with a visit to the local Trader Joe's, offering a range of grocery options and specialty items for residents' shopping needs.

Local Lifestyle

South Pasadena offers a relaxed and family-centric lifestyle, with a strong emphasis on community involvement and outdoor activities. Residents often engage in park strolls, family outings to the market, and leisurely golf sessions, fostering a tight-knit and welcoming atmosphere.

Dining and Entertainment

South Pasadena boasts a diverse range of dining options and recreational activities. Enjoy the local ambiance and culinary experiences at the South Pasadena Farmer's Market, offering an array of fresh produce and artisanal treats. Engage in a round of golf at the picturesque Arroyo Seco Golf Course, or relish the convenience and quality shopping experience at Trader Joe's.

Things to Do

Discover the serene ambiance of Garfield Park, ideal for relaxation and outdoor enjoyment. Immerse yourself in the local community and flavor at the lively South Pasadena Farmer's Market, offering fresh produce and handmade delights.
South Pasadena embodies a harmonious blend of community-centric living, convenient amenities, and serene attractions, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a relaxed yet vibrant lifestyle.

Overview for South Pasadena, CA

26,881 people live in South Pasadena, where the median age is 41 and the average individual income is $67,985. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Total Population

41 years

Median Age


Population Density Population Density This is the number of people per square mile in a neighborhood.


Average individual Income

Around South Pasadena, CA

There's plenty to do around South Pasadena, including shopping, dining, nightlife, parks, and more. Data provided by Walk Score and Yelp.

Somewhat Walkable
Walking Score
Bike Score
Good Transit
Transit Score

Points of Interest

Explore popular things to do in the area, including Cheers Beers Market, Body Economics, and Margie Trains.

Name Category Distance Reviews
Ratings by Yelp
Dining 2.96 miles 6 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 3.47 miles 9 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 1.5 miles 7 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 0.57 miles 10 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 4.33 miles 34 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 0.32 miles 54 reviews 5/5 stars

Demographics and Employment Data for South Pasadena, CA

South Pasadena has 10,357 households, with an average household size of 3. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Here’s what the people living in South Pasadena do for work — and how long it takes them to get there. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. 26,881 people call South Pasadena home. The population density is 9,841.552 and the largest age group is Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Total Population


Population Density Population Density This is the number of people per square mile in a neighborhood.


Median Age

50.08 / 49.92%

Men vs Women

Population by Age Group


0-9 Years


10-17 Years


18-24 Years


25-64 Years


65-74 Years


75+ Years

Education Level

  • Less Than 9th Grade
  • High School Degree
  • Associate Degree
  • Bachelor Degree
  • Graduate Degree

Total Households


Average Household Size


Average individual Income

Households with Children

With Children:

Without Children:

Marital Status


Blue vs White Collar Workers

Blue Collar:

White Collar:

Commute Time

0 to 14 Minutes
15 to 29 Minutes
30 to 59 Minutes
60+ Minutes

Schools in South Pasadena, CA

All ()
Primary Schools ()
Middle Schools ()
High Schools ()
Mixed Schools ()
The following schools are within or nearby South Pasadena. The rating and statistics can serve as a starting point to make baseline comparisons on the right schools for your family. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.
School rating
South Pasadena Senior High
9th - 12th
Monterey Hills Elementary
K - 5th
South Pasadena Middle
6th - 8th
Arroyo Vista Elementary
K - 5th
K - 8th
No rating available
Almansor Academy (Institute For Redesign Of Learni
K - 12th
No rating available
K - 5th
1st - 12th
No rating available
St James Parish Day School & Kindergarten
PreK - K
No rating available
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